Company on Clearwater Park bike trail

Another conditioning bike ride along the Willamette River and another surprise – I had very different company on the bike trail along the Clearwater Bike Path. (All Trails, Willamalane). With only my iPhone SE, photos are crap, but the company … Read More

Birds along the Willamette

On a fast urban hike, camera in hand, I met several birds along the Willamette in early morning on a cold grey end of November day – the same eagle from yesterday harassed by several crows today and quickly disappeared. … Read More

Couple Days on Willamette River

Between long hikes, recovery workouts on the bike along the wonderful Willamette River can be amazing. The river’s level is high, higher at this time of year for over 5 years. The up-stream Lookout Reservoir was even ‘lowered’ so it … Read More

Along the Willamette

March can be spectacular in Willamette Valley – the subtle shifting from winter to spring is underway. The animals – especially the birds – are acting “spring”, pairing up, strutting around, singing loudly atop the tallest trees around … over … Read More

Biking along the Willamette

Adding the Dorris Ranch, Middle Fork and Clearwater Park paths to the Eugene path along the river to Delta Highway, one can find a fairly decent day’s ride along the Willamette River. Most of the 30+ miles of this ride … Read More